HPI Medical Abbreviation

HPI Medical Abbreviation

The medical abbreviation "HPI" stands for "History of Present Illness". In medical documentation, the HPI is a detailed narrative of the patient's symptoms and medical history leading up to their current illness or condition. It is an important part of the medical history and physical examination and helps the healthcare provider to identify potential causes of the patient's symptoms and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

The HPI typically includes information such as:

  • The onset, duration, and progression of symptoms
  • Any associated symptoms or factors that exacerbate or alleviate the symptoms
  • Previous medical conditions or surgeries
  • Current medications and allergies
  • Family history of similar conditions or illnesses
  • Social and lifestyle factors that may be relevant to the patient's condition, such as occupation, smoking or alcohol use, and travel history.

The HPI is usually obtained through a patient interview and is recorded in the medical record in a standardized format. It is used by healthcare providers to establish a diagnosis, order further tests or imaging studies, and develop a treatment plan.